
Our volunteers Rubén and Dicle went to WSCHOWA Zespół Szkół to talk about Human rights with the students. They have discussed about racism, tolerance and practised some activities related to it. 



Dicle and Aykut went to Nietazkowo School at Stare Bojanowo to talk about their country, culture, traditions. After presentation, Dicle did her workshop about Environmentalism and they talked about the main issues and solutions. Also, Aykut did his workshop about 'finding strengthes and tolerance'.


Wschowa - eurocamp

EUROCAMPS in I Liceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddzialami Dwujęzycznymi in Wschowa with the students. They have created their own country with so funny rules, we have played games like who are you or mafia game, we have discussed about environment and equality and they have learned something new about Spain, France and Turkey with a funny quiz.


Dicle and Aykut went to Krobia to come together with students from High School. They talked about their country, culture, traditions and music. They played games to get to know the students better and showed them their traditional dances.


Our volunteers crossed all Wielkopolska to go to Zespół Szkół 9 in KALISZ! Was the first time of CAT Foundation there and in the School Dicle Aykut and Rubén they showed their countries, their culture and they enjoyed during the morning with all the students

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