Raport końcowy Embassadors- FABRIZIO
Wolontariat nie tylko wydostanie cię z twojej strefy komfortu, ale także wzbogaci twoje życie i da ci szerszy cel. Przez całe życie rozwijałeś swoje umiejętności społeczne i zawodowe, które wspierają Twoje osobiste osiągnięcia.Furthermore, working with children is a great experience and it is exactly why I applied to this program. They gave me a lot of happiness, even though sometimes I wanted to kill some of them. They have let me to become a child once again, the Peter Pan that has never grown. Their smile makes you feel how important is a child. Indeed, children are the ones who are very vital for deciding how the world is going to be after some years. For this reason, if one person can do some good things in the life of a child then there can be change, at least a slightest change, in the world to come. And if most of them think on same lines then we can hope of a better future ahead. I just want to say thank you to all of them. And thanks to the teachers with whom I have worked: Tanya and Wiky - or Wikipedia - two fantastic persons who always helps and supports you, morally and physically (and make you coffee).