Raport końcowy Embassadors- Gabliela
Gabriela dużo czasu poświęcała na pomoc w Noclegownii dla Bezdomnych Mężczyznbankom żywności w Lesznie, Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Osób Niepełnosprawnych Nasz Dom Nasz i Bank Żywności Leszno Jej ostatni dzień w pracy to dostarczenie koszy z żywnością na Wielkanoc do wielu rodzin.This is one of the Team Building Games she shared with Fundacja CAT
Materials: you will need sponges (or tiny balls) and hollahops (if you don't have then tires or sth else to create circles).
You create a pile of the sponges/balls in the middle of the room. You divide people into groups, every group has their own hula hoop (three groups then three hollahops). The hoolahops are in a different place in a room. You give a very little instruction: "you need to have all of the sponges in your hula hoop" or sth like "you win if you have all of the sponges in your hula hoop". The rule is that they can carry one sponge at the time, they cannot throw the sponges, they cannot steal from other hollahops. Also, you give them very little time (30 seconds) to discuss their approach in their groups before the start. When you say that they might start you may also play some pumping music at the same time.
What usually happens here people start to break the rules, they steal etc. Then at a certain point they say it is not really possible to win this game. Often there is someone to realise that to win the game is to put all of the hoola hoops together.
After the game there might be a discussion, that sometimes we have a very competitive mind when it is not necessary, and we can take more out of the situation if we cooperate. You might notice in this game the dynamic in the group, you might also ask everyone some questions like: what were you doing during this game? What was the rest doing? How did you find yourself in this situation? How did you react when you realised how to win the game?