Raport końcowy Embassadors- Randa
I’m Randa Bazzi, a veterinary doctor and specialized in public health.During my volunteering period in Leszno, I have noticed that the dog feces in this exquisite city are not removed frequently by their owners, were exposed dogs feces will spread infectious parasitic and bacterial diseases such as hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, campylobacteriosis and salmonella. According to the Center of Disease Control to stay healthy ,it is recommended to practice the following :
Wear disposable gloves and remove the feces immediately when your dog defecate, and dispose it in the suitable waste bin, and then wash your hands after that.
Regular veterinary visits are important for both the dog and the owners ,as well as putting them in the deworming program. It is advised at least four times a year for adult animals or more often for young and higher risk animals.
Wash your hands frequently after petting your dog and before eating food , to decrease the possibilities of contracting disease which are transmitted from dogs to humans, such as fecal coliform , which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, dehydration, and kidney disorders in humans.