Final report, end of the project.

Life has strange ways and, when you less expected, it surprise you. Half way through my project I experienced anxiety due to the uncertainty regarding my future, what will I do, will I find a job or if had to go back to Murcia. However, a few weeks ago I made an interview and, without expecting it, I got a job in Wroclaw. All my summer plans changed drastically. Furthermore, I have to finish my project before I was supposed to. Nevertheless, I consider this a good thing and I believe getting a job is the next phase of my adventure in Poland and in my life in general. 

When I started the Volunteering project in Fundacja CAT I had various expectations (to learn as much as possible, make friends, to know myself better). Today, 10 months later, I can honestly say that, not only did I meet them but also I exceeded them. I have never Imagine Poland will be the place where I would grow the most; personal and professionally. I only have words of gratitude towards Fundacja CAT and Cazalla for all their support and the opportunity of being part of this. 

Since the first day I felt as a family member, as if I belonged to something bigger than just an organization. Not only with my fellow volunteers but also with the members of the organization. Things weren't always smooth and, obviously we had our differences and discussion. Despite of them, we always found a solution, a common ground in which we could built the right response to out problems.

I had the chance to participate in multiple activities; teaching spanish, creating a podcast, recording a videoclip, Euroweek, online presentations, cultural presentations, creating audiovisual content and content for promotion, helping in the foodbank, delivering different workshops, taking part in other volunteers' activities, painting the office, making cultural trips, lunchs and dinners all together, etc. Additionally, I was able to take the initiative and develop my own ideas. Not to mention the possibility to live and discover other cultures and societies, to manage my own budget, to travel, to make friends and to be part of the European Solidarity Corps.  


Thanks to all of the above I learnt to manage and organise effectively my time and energy, to work as part of a team (not any team but a big and international one), to be proactive and turn ideas into reality; I learnt to research about what I'm interested in and elaborate activities about it, to share my knowledge. Moreover, I found out that there aren't universal truths rather multiple sides of the story and numerous ways to achieve the same goal; the world is not black and white but rather in a wide range of grey. Even more, I was introduced to plenty of online tools and I mastered them.

Regarding the personal experience, residing with people from other nationalities and cultures wided my horizons and vision of the world. Now, as a result, I know more about other countries; how to live with them, their traditions, their point of view, etc. Even more, how to deal with potential issues and how to cope with differences. 

At last, I would like to add a comment on the Group Coaching. Never before had I taken part in coaching and it turned out to be a great experience. It really made a difference when experiencing the project fully, discovering and getting to know myself and facing challenges. 

In summary, in a period of 10 Months I grew, not only professionally but also personally. Will I participate again? For sure. Do I recomend do a volunteering? Of course, without doubt.

A big and warm hug,


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