Visiting Cyprus in December was an amazing opportunity for our youth, they took part in youth exchange called "EUROGAMES". In this youth exchange took part more than 50 people! That was incredible and great to meet and spend this time with them. They had some cultural's evenings, participants  were leading some workshops about "Being active",  "Healthy lifestyle", "Sports for all" etc. The main goal of this Youth Exchange was integration of  youngsters from different European countries through sport, outdoor activities and other non-formal activities. Also the point was to break stereotypes and promote tolerance! Time there was wonderful! 

From participant's point of view:

So the whole Cyprus adventure was quite amazing. It was extremely well organized. We had different types of activities since the morning till late afternoon. The intercultural nights are what really stuck with me, 3 or 4 groups per night, one from each country, that had the chance to show of their cooking skills and provide everyone with a meal that’s typical to their culture. Obviously drinks were involved as well. Once everyone had a chance to try all the foods and beverages, we partied till the morning. There were also three organized trips to different cities in Cyprus, which truly allowed us to see the country and it’s cultural background. Not only were there pre-planned activities but we also had a chance to go off on our own for a couple hours at each spot to do whatever we please. 

Personally, the most pleasant thing was meeting new people. So many new faces, each with a different story to tell. A lot of us still keep in touch and some even travelled to visit each other, which is quite amazing. The whole experience was so great that sleeping felt like a complete waste of time, so a few of us, myself included ended up very sleep deprived at the end. Definitely worth it.

We cannot wait for more youth exchanges!