Move On! was a great Training Course which explored the concept of inclusion of Young people and how to promote inclusion through sports, games and dances.
We had 27 participants from 9 countries - Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia and Italya. We also had participants with Turkish and Czech citizenship in the TC.
Our partners were Poliana - Exploring Art And Culture On Lesvos - Πολιτιστική Αναζήτηση Λέσβου, GLOBE - Global Learning Opportunities for Better Education, Асоциация за развитие на българския спорт /АРБС/, COSI, Association Aux Couleurs du DEBA, Asociación Eurodynamis, P.O.D. Association, All Humans, Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej, Eurodesk Leszno
If you are curious about what we've done during the TC, just take a look at the page. There are our photos, our week magazine, the brochure with conclusion from the TC and the movie. In case you got curious, check Erasmus+ programme and take the adventure, if you never did it before. There are many opportunities.

Hope you all enjoy as much as we did.

- Marta and Mara

link: MoveOn Fanpage