I thought for a long time about my final report and then decided that a writer should write. Of course, I can write endlessly about my two-month project in Leszno: I learned so many new things, met so many friends, get new experience and skills, that this project will influence my life long after finishing. First of all, I want to thank all the wonderful people I worked this time with – people from CAT, local and foreign volunteers. I`m still here, but I’ve already started missing everyone. To be honest, I would like to take everyone with me to Russia. But I will take only my memories, photographs and invaluable experience. In Leszno, I even thought about changing the sphere of activity. I have a successful career, but perhaps I will be more happy working with children. Also I realized, that I can organize and hold events in English. And I can speak it from morning till night and without going mad, even at first I thought I will. I am grateful to the organization for the opportunity to realise everything we wanted – for all support.

I gained not only professional skills and experience, the project became for me an accelerated course of personal development. I saw myself from the side and realized that it’s time to leave in the past some habits and have another ones as an everyday routine. It`s amazing to be in a place, where no one knows your past. Your experience, education, connections have no value where people will evaluate you according to what you are now. And this is an opportunity to evaluate yourself. At first I realized that my old behavioral patterns are not working for a long time and I got a lot of stress. And my main achievement on the project was that I successfully coped with it without other`s help.

I will take several new fairy tales and projects from Leszno, to which I was inspired by the culture and traditions of Poland. I will take away memories of my dear people and wonderful moments spent together. I really hope that I will return once to this cozy and friendly town.