Summarise your EVS:

I’d never thought about EVS. I knew that something like that exist, but I didn’t think about it as an opportunity during this summer.

I learnt here so many lectures. Every experience contribute to my personality. In my country, it’s really hard to find a job without experience. This EVS allowed me to gain experience during summer camps, where I had to prepare various activities for kids, for example interesting country presentation, energizes or dances. Then, I prepared my own workshop about musical theatre, during which I had opportunity to work with youngsters and adults, make a poster, describe my idea and organise it.









Living with other people for a longer time was also something new for me. But whole project is about people and I was lucky that I was surrounded by amazing people from different countries and with different habits.

But EVS is not only about responsibilities. It’s also about meeting new people, travelling – we travelled to Gdansk and Berlin, collecting memories for example during Woodstock and find yourself in different situations that can totally change your view.

I’m so glad that I had a chance to be a part of CAT Foundation and I’m thankful to all volunteers and members of CAT Foundation.