Today together and thanks to the Czech team the group had a check up of their time management habits. First they played with physics a little bit and managed to slower and fasten time by spending a minute in a plank and then playing a fun game. The task was to try to say when 60 seconds has passed - surprisingly not so many people managed to do it right! Then the guys introduced the way to see what aspects of life we spend time on and how much of what we do during the day we actually like. For some the results were pretty surprising and thought-provoking!


The following session was about life balance. Karo who delivered the session invited the participants to visualise important parts of life with a metaphor of a wheel and think how satisfied they are with those. In couple the participants were reflecting and sharing their thoughts with each other. And of course, that was not it! From sharing the group continued with action planning, so each person chose their time frame and specific actions to improve some of the most important parts of the balance wheel.


The day finished with a session held by Julian where the participants could connect and listen to their bodies. They were to walk in a different manner observing their feelings and sensations. With that they could also see how they feel in the youth exchange and share with the others why. For many the project and its people felt like colorful, diverse bubbles!

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