Oh no! The week felt like an hour, but it is the last day of the youth exchange already and it is time to sum everything up and say goodbye.

After refreshing the memory from the whole week and getting to remember every activity of each day, the participants got to see again their goals, fears and contributions that they set in the very beginning - thanks to that they could say if they managed to achieve their goals, if their fears were true, and if they felt like they contributed as they had expected.


Then it was time to evaluate the whole week! With a metaphor of a pizza, the participants gave their opinion about different aspects of the project - like venue, food, program, country workshops, their own participation and so on. The pizza turned out to be full of high marks, and it was so “delicious” to see that!

After that it was time to leave Osieczna and our beautiful venue for Leszno, where the participants could have a rest in a dormitory, see the city, and get ready for the official closing of the project! For dinner we gathered at a vegan restaurant, where we had unbelievably tasty food and everyone got their Youth Pass certificate. In a very festive mood the group was spending our last hours altogether, getting ready to go back to their countries and lives…

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