Organizacja goszcząca: Familija - mednarodna pisarna / international office 
Organizacja wysyłająca: Fundacja CAT
Przedział wiekowy: 18-30
Daty:  53 tygodnie - 26/08/2024 do 01/09/2025

O projekcie:  Kids in Action 11 - United in Solidarity ESC volunteering project will host 2 volunteers from different programme countries to join our long-term volunteering project, which will connect youth daily center (BLOK) and learning program for youth (PUM-O+) in the Škofja Loka area, Slovenia, by incorporating the international volunteers into their everyday work for the period between September 2024 and August 2025. Chosen volunteers will attend the program of their host organizations and assist staff with their daily activities, which consist of educational (languages, multimedia...), creative (music, painting) lectures, leisure activities (social and sports games...), learning help, excursions, hikes, visits to exhibitions, shows. 

Więcej info tutaj: info letter i tutaj: European Solidarity Corps Portal


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